• Free Diving

    Whether you are new to the sport or need a refresher, our courses in Static and Dynamic Apnea Training will get you where you need to be…

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  • Spear Fishing

    Our Spear Fishing Lessons are design to get you up to speed on this demanding discipline, we run you thru gear, guns and hunting technics…

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  • Scuba

    Coming soon….

Free Diving Classes 

Static Training - $50 USD  2hr class

In the Static Training program we review topics like breathing techniques, relaxation techniques stretching, ways to stretch the diaphragm and help you extend your breath hold just a little longer. We also go and do some pool work to help you get more comfortable in the water. At the end of the program we over some different breathing exercises and leave you with some homework to practice at home.

Dynamic Training $50 2hr class

In this training program we work on correcting proper form in the water when diving and challenge ourselves to see what lengths we can swim to simulating a deep dive all with the assurance of having someone in the water with you at all times.


Course Cost $275

2 day program Shore diving

*Upgrade to diving from a boat that will be an additional charge of  $250*

**Possible 3rd day diving for extra charge or possibly go for a boat dive**

Includes drinking water for divers

Dive sites to choose from

Barra de Navidad Malecón, Melaque Malecón, Ranchito or Playa Grande 

Things to bring and what's provided

Course outline

Equipment review, gear selection, gun selection and diving techniques.

Day 1 Itinerary: 1/2 day in class room 1/2 day pool training session 

Day 2 Itinerary: 1 day of diving from 7am -12pm

Spear Gear and Equipment 

Masks and snorkels

Fins selection scuba fins, free diving, plastic, fiber glass, and carbon fiber fins 

Socks, fin keepers 

Wetsuits open cell closed cell uv protection and thermal protection 3mm -7mm

Weight belt quick release

Spear gun orientation and handling

Loading and unloading

Floating flashers and throw flashers

Body Mechanics In Freediving

Explain mechanics of free diving and Breathing techniques 

Diaphragm Stretching

Body and neck stretching

Breathing techniques

Relaxation breathing

Breath Holding 

Mind calming techniques

Equalization techniques

Recovery breaths

Safety Protocols

Rescuing your buddy

Buddy diving 

Safe diving protocols

1 up 1 down




Muscle cramps

Fish Handling and Information

Fish ID cards know your fish

Bleeding your fish




Filleting video

Safe Operating Procedures Spearfishing On A Boat

Boat orientation

Where is all the safety gear


Radio communication

Spear gun orientation 

How to load and unload

Float line management

Diving Protocols

1 up 1 down 

Hand signals

Day 1 Pool Session and Breath Holding

Explain dive gear and how to don and doff equipment

Mask cleaning importance

Use soap and anti fog

Use of mask underwater

How to clear water from mask

How to clear your snorkel

Snorkel removal when diving

Duck diving techniques

Equalization techniques

Chin to chest

Breath holds

Recovery breaths

Fun Dive for the rest of time assesses students' capability and work on correcting poor body positioning.


7am or 8am meet up time head out diving

Explain drift diving

Review duck diving techniques 

Demonstrate duck dive

Equalization reminders

Correct body form 

Practice diving down and holding on to a rock and observer fish behavior

No shooting at rocks 

Patience is key to shooting fish, wait for the right opportunity 

Never rush your shot

Shot placement

Hunting techniques for different fish

Rubbing the reef, flicking sand, croaking, flashers, throw flashers, slapping the water


C02 and O2 tables for home work if they want 

Set Personal Best for static breath hold dry and in water with supervision